Calathea Beautystar


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Calathea Beautystar baby plant has decorative leaf patterns

Diameter plastic pot: 12cm

Height incl. pot: approx. 35cm

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Beauty Star is a relatively new Calathea variety. It has beautiful pink, silver and white stripes on the tops of the leaves. Beauty Star is related to Calathea Ornata, but has longer and thinner leaves and a different leaf pattern. Calatheas are so-called "Prayer Plants", i.e. they lower their leaves in brightness and raise them again in darkness. If you care for this plant properly, it can give you great pleasure:

Habitat: Part shade to light, without direct sunlight.

Water requirements: The soil should not dry out completely, but should always be watered when the top layer of soil has dried slightly, i.e. the substrate should be kept evenly moist. If the leaves of the Calathea curl slightly, the Calathea is probably thirsty and should be watered quickly.

Humidity: High, between 60% to 80%.

Poisonousness: Calatheas are not poisonous!