
Philodendron Micans

So far with us Original price was: €12,00Current price is: €8,00.

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Philodendron Micans has velvety shimmering leaves and is very easy to care for.

Pot diameter: 12 cm

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The full name of the Philodendron Micans is actually Philodendron hederaceum var. hederaceum 'Micans' or Philodendron scandens 'Micans'. For many plant lovers, it is their introduction to the world of philodendrons. It has wonderfully velvety leaves that are very pleasing to the touch and allow the light to shimmer. In addition, he is easy to keep!

Watering: It is best to always allow the soil to dry slightly before watering. Usually watering is enough once a week, but in the summer it can be a little more often.

Position: Philodendron Micans prefers bright indirect light or morning or evening sun, but not direct midday sun. With less light, the plant is also satisfied, only then it grows more in length and no longer looks compact.

Humidity: Philodendron Micans does well with normal humidity above 40 percent. However, the leaves can be showered or sprayed from time to time to rid them of dust.

Poisonousness: The Philodendron Micans is poisonous.

Two tips for your Philodendron Micans

A tip: if you forget to water or it gets very little light, it can lose leaves. What remains are bare stems. You can cut these back and cut the stems into pieces, leaving one leaf axis per stem. You can stick these in moss or soil and you will get lots of little Micans babies!

Another tip: In its native South America, Philodendron Micans climbs up trees. If you let the plant grow up a moss stick, you can imitate the natural conditions and the leaves will grow bigger and bigger. Often they are then even mistaken for the large beautiful leaves of a Philodendron Melanochrysum.