Cercestis Mirabilis


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A rare beauty with triangular spotted leaves.

Diameter plastic pot: 10 cm

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A great peculiarity among the arum family, Cercestis Mirabilis does not come from Asia or South America, but from Africa. In the young stage, the climbing plant forms unusual triangular leaves interspersed with many lighter areas. The pattern of the cercestis is unusual, so it immediately catches the eye. In older plants, the pattern fades, but since the plant grows relatively slowly, you can enjoy the beautiful variegation for many years.

Location: Bright, no direct sunlight.

Water requirements: Keep evenly moist. Cercestis needs an airy substrate, such as our specially adapted Premium Substrate.

Humidity: Cercestis Mirabilis, as a tropical plant, prefers an increased humidity of at least 60%.

Toxicity: Po isonous.