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Araucaria heterophylla


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An indoor fir with soft needles and leaf fronds.

Diameter plastic pot: 14cm

Total height: approx. 60cm

1 shoot

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The indoor fir is an exotic coniferous plant that originates from the Norfolk Islands between Australia and New Zealand. It is the only fir that can be kept as a houseplant, with its soft, flexible needles and leaf stalks and graceful appearance. A real cuddly fir!

Location: Bright indirect light at temperatures that are as cool but frost-free as possible.

Watering: Allow the surface of the substrate to dry a few inches before watering. A loose, nutrient-rich mixture such as our Premium Substrate is suitable as a substrate.

Humidity: Slightly high. If the humidity is low, the Araucaria should be sprayed regularly with water. You can find our water sprayers here.

Toxicity: Non-toxic!