
Alocasia Longiloba 'Silver'

So far with us Original price was: €59,00Current price is: €49,00.

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Alocasia longiloba Silver has long silver leaves.

Diameter plastic pot: 13cm

Total height: approx. 40cm

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Alocasia longiloba Silver originally comes from the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia, in particular from countries such as Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Alocasia longiloba Silver is characterized by its large, shiny, heart-shaped leaves, which are silvery-white in color. The leaves have distinctive veins and can grow up to one meter long. The plant itself grows upright and makes an attractive eye-catcher indoors or in tropical gardens.

To keep Alocasia longiloba Silver healthy and happy, follow these care tips:

1. light: The plant likes bright, indirect light, but avoid direct sunlight as this can burn the leaves.

Humidity: Alocasia plants love high humidity. Spray the leaves regularly with water or place the plant on a water-filled saucer with pebbles to increase the humidity.

Watering: Keep the soil slightly moist, but avoid waterlogging as this can lead to root rot. Allow the top layer of soil to dry slightly between waterings.

Temperature: The ideal room temperature is between 18°C and 25°C. Alocasia longiloba Silver does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature and prefers to be protected from cold draughts.

Fertilization: Fertilize the plant every two weeks or so during the growing season with a balanced liquid fertilizer. In winter, you can reduce or stop fertilizing altogether.

Air circulation: Make sure that the plant receives sufficient air circulation to prevent mold growth, but avoid strong drafts.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your Alocasia longiloba Silver stays healthy and beautiful.