Sansevieria Kirkii 'Silver Blue


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A bow hemp with unusual leaf pattern.

Diameter plastic pot: 10cm

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Sansevieria Kirkii 'Silver Blue' is a real rarity among Sansevierias, which got its name from the silver-blue leaf color. The leaves are also streaked with dark green and have a dark leaf margin, which together make a wonderful color combination! Despite its exotic appearance and exciting growth habit, this plant - like all Sansevierias - is very easy to keep:

Light Requirements: Sansevieria can handle almost any light conditions, but prefers sunny spots where it can grow faster.

Water requirement: Little, the soil is allowed to dry out completely before the next watering. We recommend watering every two to three weeks during the growing season and rather every three to four weeks in winter.

Humidity: No special requirements.

Toxicity: Toxic.