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Hoya Latifolia

So far with us Original price was: €79,00Current price is: €29,00.

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Hoya with large roundish leaves. Pot diameter: 15 cm. Length: 20 cm

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The Hoya Latifolia has a large distribution area, ranging from Myanmar to southern Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The roundish leaves are fleshy and measure 10 to 25 cm in length and 7 to 17 cm in width. They are glossy green with single white spots on the upper side and deep red on the underside. The five clearly visible leaf veins are very characteristic of this species. The waxy flowers are whitish to brownish yellow and have fine downy hairs inside.

Location: Hoyas will only bloom if placed in a bright location. An east or west window would be ideal, but it will also do well with a south window.

Water requirements: Little to medium, water only when the top layer of soil has dried. About once a week should be enough.

Humidity: Somewhat increased, 40%-60%.

Toxicity: Not to hardly toxic.