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Hoya carnosa 'Krimson Queen


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Hoya carnosa 'Krimson Queen' has oval leaves with white leaf margins.

Pot diameter: 12cm

Only 1 left in stock

Hoyas, also called wax flowers, are low-maintenance houseplants, including the Hoya Carnosa 'Krimson Queen'. This hoya is a cultivar of the Carnosa family. It has white to pink (in more light) leaf margins. Like all hoyas, it is an epiphytic species, so the substrate should be very loose and airy.

Location: It needs comparatively much light for compact growth (and for flowering). However, it should not be full sun, otherwise it will get sunburn. East or west windows are ideal, a north window works just as well in a pinch.

Water requirements: Hoyas store water in their leaves, so you should water them only moderately. The substrate can dry out quietly before the next watering.

Humidity: 40%-60%

Toxicity: Hoyas are not toxic

Light requirement


Water requirement


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