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Doryopteris Nobilis


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Diameter plastic pot: 12cm

Total size: about 30cm

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Doryopteris nobilis is a type of fern found in tropical regions. It is a plant with pinnate leaves that often thrives in damp forests.

The care of Doryopteris nobilis is similar to that of other fern species. Here are some general tips:

Light: Place the plant in a location with indirect light. This type of fern prefers shady conditions.

Moisture: Doryopteris nobilis likes high humidity. Spray the leaves regularly with water to create a moist environment.

Soil: Use a well-drained, humus-rich soil. Fern plants do not like waterlogging.

Temperature: Keep the ambient temperature constant. This type of fern thrives best in warm temperatures.

Fertilization: Moderate during the growing season.