Alocasia Jacklyn, baby plant


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Alocasia Jacklyn has triangular leaves with wavy leaf edges

Diameter plastic pot: 6cm

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Alocasia Jacklyn is a rare exotic houseplant that is notable for its distinctive leaves. The leaves are arrow-shaped and have wavy leaf edges. The bright green leaves are crisscrossed with dark green leaf veins, creating a net-like pattern, and they are covered with fine hairs. The petioles are reddish-pink in color, which provides a great contrast to the bright leaves. The Alocasia Jacklyn can not be missing in a plant collection!

Location: Bright indirect sunlight is best suited

Water requirements: The soil should be kept constantly slightly moist, but wet substrate should be avoided.

Humidity: It likes increased humidity, about 60-80%. How to increase the humidity, you can learn here.

Toxicity: Since it is an arum, consumption is toxic!