Aglaonema Red Zircon, baby plant


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An Aglaonema with pink variegated leaves. Here as a baby plant.

Diameter plastic pot: 6cm

Size: about 8cm

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The leaves of the Aglaonema Red Zircon are pink in various shades. This creates a great color contrast between the light and dark leaves!
Aglaonemas are among the most decorative and easy-care houseplants - doesn't that sound tempting? It's perfect as an office plant, but also for beginners who want to improve their green thumb or for anyone who likes to forget to water their plants 😉
Light requirement: Medium, does well in semi-shady sandy locations.
Water requirement: The darker the location, the less often it needs watering. Every one to two weeks should be enough.
Humidity: Average
Toxicity: Consumption is poisonous.